3.) My IPhone4
My Iphone is awesome! SOMETIMES!!!
If you have Verizon Wireless and they try to tell you their Iphone4 is any different than the one that AT&T makes tell them where they can stick it! I recently had my cell phone go MUTE! No speaker phone, no ringtones, no nothin. I could hear people on the phone and stuff but it wouldn't ring and then my BIGGEST PET PEEVE HAPPENED!
So story time you ready?
Me: Yo Apple dude on the phone at midnight my time. My phone isn't working right. It doesn't ring, there is no speakerphone, in essence it just went mute. I didn't damage it in any way what do you think it could be?
Apple Support Dude: Do you have the silent button on the side of the phone off?
OMFG!!!!!!! YES! DO I LOOK LIKE A TOTAL SHORT-BUS TO YOU? I mean I get it they probably have to ask that and the reason they do because someone HAS done that before is freaking pathetic but still....omg! If I can figure out how to get a live person on the phone at midnight. I am smart enough to have tried all the very basic of things. I mean I am tech-savvy at least somewhat. GEEZ! no offense to the Apple people they were perfectly nice but I just hate stupid questions...it's kinda a thing...
So, dude's like, who is your carrier and I'm like Verizon and he was like oh hell...um...what? Not a good sign. He said just take it to the Apple Store nearest you it's the best place. I go in they examine my phone, speakers are messed up hand me another phone and all is right with the world! Guess what! Same freaking phone as ANY Iphone4
So don't be fooled and Iphone is an Iphone Verizon's aren't special...losers... they just want you to have to buy all their accessories from them.
4.) Misha Collins graces us with his presence at Supernatural Convention!
June 5, 2011
WARNING: I would like to add I was in a row far far away, and I have a S**&*Y camera so any pics that seem far away or blurry don't blame the photographer blame my lack of funds to get closer seats and my lack of funds to get a good camera that will take good pictures from miles away!
First at least I got a picture that was close up and Misha was so nice. He hides behind that precious smile, but he is a dirty dirty boy and we love him even MORE for it!
Okay here's come some pics kinda out of order
This is the first day waiting in line for registration...Nori don't look behind you, you might get an EYEFULL of two unpleasant things. LOL
Then not too long after that out came our boys...if you don't know who they are you don't watch Supernatural and you are missing out on a seriously good and unique and funny as hell show! These guys were in the South but baby they are Hollywood to the core. It was interesting to see the two cultures mix. They say they are from Texas and they are but they are from California first and you can tell, but that's okay not all of us can be born in the South and live here only us really blessed ones get that other's go off and star in TV shows and have millions of adoring fans...I am the former....the one without the millions of adoring fans.
Jared and Jensen were our main attractions that day but we had some other boys of Supernatural to entertain us too... young John Winchester also known as Matt Cohen
He's HAWT! Trust! He didn't father the two hottest men on the show and look like the Elephant Man and he's supposed to be a younger version of Jeffrey Dean Morgan I mean he had a lot to live up to....he did a good job! Love ya Matt!
Then our MC who is Southern and from right here in our great city of Nashville, Tennessee and played the Trickster/Gabriel is Richard Speight Jr. @dicks8jr on twitter
Again please excuse the quality of these pictures my camera takes ten years to take a picture and then it's not a good one! I'm so replacing it asap!
He and Matt did a little back and forth type thing while some of us were waiting for autographs from Jared and Jensen....
That ended Day 1 and around 10 o'clock after picking up our pictures with Jared and Jensen it was off to my house to go straight to sleep to see Misha the next day!
So we took our pictures: See above and then around 3PM after lunch at Monell's there he was in all his glory our favorite Angel!! Misha Collins...I mean Castiel...I mean God...oh you know what I mean
The man was a walking stand-up comedian and brilliant and I was thoroughly entertained, which trust me is hard to frickin do! Misha rocks so he succeeded in the entertainment in very charming and celebrity brilliant style! Love you Misha even more than ever if that's even possible! May be more on him later as more comes to me but as it's like late and I'm done spouting endless novels of words...for now! Stay Tuned! I am off to dream land once again!
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